Be prepared: Tips to follow before going on the beach

A trip to the beach can be a lots of fun and a gateway for relaxation. But before hitting the beach, you must thoroughly plan for the trip. For example- if you forget to pack the sunscreen, the trip can turn into a pain. So to prepare you for a hassle-free trip, here are a few tips for you to follow before going on the beach.

  1. Bring an extra change of cloth so that on your way back home you won’t be all wet and sandy.
  2. Put your phone in a ziplock bag to protect it from the sand and water. Don’t worry, you can still use your phone through the plastic.
  3. Bring sunscreen- but know the difference between the two common types of sunscreen to know what works for you. Chemical based sunscreen acts like a sponge absorbing the sunrays thus giving more UVA protection and physical sunscreen acts like a shield reflecting the sunrays- it’s better for you to choose if you have sensitive skin.
  4. Don’t forget to bring a sunglass. Your eyes are sensitive in the sun; a lot of people doesn’t realise it. Unfiltered UV causes damage to the retina over time, so don’t forget to check for the health/safety information when purchasing sunglass.
  5. Bring along apple cider vinegar spray for instant relief if you get a little too much sun.
  6. Make sure to bring baby powder, it takes off sand faster than anything else.
  7. Make aloe Vera ice cubes before you leave. Even if you don’t get a sunburn, your skin still need to cool down after being outside all day.

By preparing for the beach trip in advance give you the opportunity to enjoy to the fullest without being worried.

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