Basic Guidelines to Keep Your Kids Safe on the Beach

Beaches are great for family getaways. If you’re on the Gold Coast, you have access to some of the best beaches in the world like Main Beach and Surfer’s Paradise. Everyone in the family enjoys going to the beach, especially the kids. And why wouldn’t they? Kids get to run around the beach playing all sorts of games, building sandcastles and enjoying themselves in the water. However, it is important to not let them get carried away. Safety should always come first and here are a few tips from Breakers North to make sure your kids are safe on the beach.

Be Alert

When you’re with kids on the beach, always be alert. Sure, you can relax, but never zone out completely. Accidents only take a moment to happen. If you ever leave the premises, make sure you explicitly assign another (known) adult to look after your kids.

Teach Your Kids to Follow Rules

Teach your kids to respect rules and regulations. Make sure they understand the importance of lifeguard instructions, swimming between flags etc.

Learn CPR

Obviously, beaches always have skilled professionals who are trained in CPR or resuscitation. But, in emergencies, even a second could make a massive difference. CPR is an important skill, so it’s better to learn it.


The water isn’t the only issue at the beach. The sun can be pretty dangerous too. Make sure your kids have good quality sunscreen on. Re-apply the sunscreen according to the instructions on the bottle or packaging.

As mentioned before, beaches provide a great opportunity for the family to come together. So why not make a full-blown vacation out of it? If you decide to do that, just give us a call! We’ll be able to arrange your accommodation for you! We can help you with apartments for rent, one bedroom apartments, two bedroom apartments, three bedroom apartments and even permanent rentals!

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