Best tips to get sun tan, safely

Everyone loves the painless, smooth glow of a natural tan. When you are feeling the summer vibes, a great sun kissed glow can look amazing.

Below are some tips for a safe sun tan

  1. Moisturising – If you want a long-lasting tan, then it’s always recommended to keep your skin hydrated by moisturising your skin twice a day.
  2. Wear a sunscreen – most people think after tanning sunscreen is not necessary, but they are wrong. Sunscreen will protect against those UVA and UVB rays, where as a baseline tan will only provide 3 – 5 % UV protection.
  3. Avoid sunbeds – sunbeds can be more harmful than the sun’s rays, so kick the habit and stay sun and sunbed safe.
  4. Exfoliate your skin –remove the dead skin and get an even looking skin tone. Exfoliating helps in removing oil and dirt and aids in preventing acne forming on your skin. The dead skin could be easily scrubbed off by using exfoliating gloves.
  5. Know your tanning time – the fairer you are the less you should tan. Don’t let your skin burn, don’t forget to always be sun safe.

The old saying, slip, slop and slap is always a good rule of thumb to follow when trying to be sun safe.

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